Vaccinator & Beak Trimming Combo Machine
- Day old chick beak trimming and vaccination combo machine is designed for commercial egg layers, breeders, and slow growing colored broilers.
- This equipment is well adapted to the modern automated hatchery processing system.
◆Simple, Highly Efficient: Beak trimming and vaccination by a single operator, labor saving and efficient.
◆One or two vaccines:One or two vaccines with a single syringe highly efficient,May use oil vaccine!!!
◆Low costs: As low as $0.001/chick;
◆Consistent results: Eliminates human errors.
◆Adaptable:Easily adaptable to different breed or strains of baby chicks. (especially adaptable for poor uniformity chicks).
How many chicks per hour?
What is the vaccination preparation rate and the 7 day mortality?
Vaccination preparation rate:100%;7 day mortality:3%
What is the rate of missing and bleeding?
Rate of missing:0.5%; Rate of bleeding:4%;
What’s the chick count accuracy?
100% (when chick boxes are changed timely).
What’s the power consumption?
Equipment power rating: 1.8kW; Power consumption 1.0kW.h.
Day old Marek’s vaccine protection rate?
Depending on the vaccine used. With a normal missing rate less than 0.5%, the protection rate is greater than 99.5%.
- Capacity: 3,000 – 3,600 pcs/h; Turning frequency: 0 – 3 s/pcs (default setting is 3s).
- Dosage range: 0.1 – 0.5 ml adjustable, accurate and reliable. Can inject 2 different vaccines with a single injection.
- Beak Temperature range: 0 – 1,000°C adjustable (default setting is 500°C) ±0.1°C.
- Beak trimming depth: Adjustable with a range of 3.5mm.
- Machine Dimension: Φ1400mm x H 1550mm.
Beak trimming before vs after
Vaccine dye