Vaccinator &
Beak Trimming
Combo Machine


Vaccinator & Beak Trimming Combo Machine

  • Day old chick beak trimming and vaccination combo machine is designed for commercial egg layers, breeders, and slow growing colored broilers.
  • This equipment is well adapted to the modern automated hatchery processing system.


Simple, Highly Efficient: Beak trimming and vaccination by a single operator, labor saving and efficient.

One or two vaccinesOne or two vaccines with a single syringe highly efficientMay use oil vaccine!!!

Low costs: As low as $0.001/chick

Consistent results: Eliminates human errors.

AdaptableEasily adaptable to different breed or strains of baby chicks. (especially adaptable for poor uniformity chicks).



How many chicks per hour?
What is the vaccination preparation rate and the 7 day mortality?
Vaccination preparation rate:100%;7 day mortality:3%
What is the rate of missing and bleeding?
Rate of missing:0.5%; Rate of bleeding:4%;
What’s the chick count accuracy?
100% (when chick boxes are changed timely).
What’s the power consumption?
Equipment power rating: 1.8kW; Power consumption 1.0kW.h.
Day old Marek’s vaccine protection rate?
Depending on the vaccine used. With a normal missing rate less than 0.5%, the protection rate is greater than 99.5%.




  1. Capacity: 3,000 – 3,600 pcs/h; Turning frequency: 0 – 3 s/pcs (default setting is 3s).
  2. Dosage range: 0.1 – 0.5 ml adjustable, accurate and reliable. Can inject 2 different vaccines with a single injection.
  3. Beak Temperature range: 0 – 1,000°C adjustable (default setting is 500°C) ±0.1°C.
  4. Beak trimming depth: Adjustable with a range of 3.5mm.
  5. Machine Dimension: Φ1400mm x H 1550mm.



Beak trimming before vs after


Vaccine dye